1st Parliament
HOVE, Masotsha Mike
Specially Elected African Member for Matabeleland.
Educated Msase and Morgenster Missions and Mpumula Lutheran Missions in Natal.
Teacher at Waddilove Institution. Editor, Bantu Mirror. Now works for Bulawayo Municipality.
SAVANHU, Jasper Zengeza
Specially Elected Member for Mashonaland (UFP).
Born Goromonzi 1917, son of a former BSA Policeman.
Educated at Waddilove Institution and Domboshawa Government School.
Assistant Editor, Bantu Mirror, 1940. (Later Chief Editor, Paver Group of African Newspapers.)
First President, Bulawayo African Workers’ Union, 1946.
Representative of African opinion at Federal Conference in London, 1952.