Sadat Mazuba, who is aged 20, comes from the Kore Kore tribe in north- east Rhodesia. He volunteered f`or guerrilla training in early 1973 and was sent to the Mgagao camp in Tanzania. In September 1974 he was injured in the field. After recovery he was appointed a bodyguard to Herbert Chitepo.
When Chitepo’s VW car was blown up on 18 March 1975 Mazuba was in attendance, but there was a dispute as to whether or not he was inside the car. He was arrested five days later and held in prison for over a year. During this period he signed a confession but later repudiated it. However, the Commission investigating the Chitepo murder named him as guilty and he was brought to trial in April 1976. He was acquitted on 20 October.