1975 Member, Central Committee (Nkomo) 1976 Deputy Publicity Secretary (Nkomo). George Kahari was born on 20 July 1930 at Chiriseri in the Bindura District. His father, a teacher at the Salvation Army’s Howard Institute, later joined the BSA Police (from which he retired in 1947). George had only one brother who died young, and George was […]
Category Archives: ANC (Nkomo)
1972-75 Member National Executive, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Member Central Committee, ANC (Nkomo). 1975 (Sept.) Secretary for Youth, ANC (Nkomo). Makhativi Guduza was born on 10 May 1927 near Marula in the Plumtree District. His father, who came from Bulawayo, was a headman who joined the army during World War 1. Guduza attended Bubude School and Mate School between 1937 […]
1971 Founder Member, ANC. 1971-72 Secretary for Foreign Affairs, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Secretary for Education, ANC (Nkomo). Cephas Msipa was born at Shabani on 7 July 1931. He was one of 10 children of a peasant farmer who, in order to educate his large family, used to buy chickens in the TTLs and sell them in Shabani. When […]
1959 President, African Farmers’ Union. 1974 Member Central Committee, ANC. 1974 (Dec.) Deputy National Chairman, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Deputy National Chairman, ANC (Nkomo). William Kona was born on 28 August 1919 at Selukwe (Shurugwi). He was the eldest of 11 children – eight of whom were boys and three girls. His parents were descendants of the Fingo and Xhosa people […]
1971 (Dec.) Founder Member if ANC and first Treasurer. 1974 (Dec.) Member of Central Committee, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Vice-President, ANC (Nkomo). Josiah Chinamano was born at Epworth Mission near Salisbury (Harare) on 29 October 1922. The son of a headman, he was the sixth child in a family of eight (four of whom died in an influenza epidemic while Josiah […]
1976 (Oct.) Appointed Economic Adviser, ANC (Nkomo), Geneva. 1976 (Oct.) Appointed Political and Economic Adviser to ANC (Muzorewa), Geneva. 1980 Member of Senate 1980 Minister of Economic Planning Bernard Chidzero was born on 1 July 1927 in Salisbury (Harare), the son of a Shona mother and a father who was a migrant worker from Nyasaland (Malawi). He was […]
1960 Mabvuku Branch Organising Secretary, NDP. 1963 Chairman, Salisbury (Harare) District and National Councillor, PCC. 1971 -73 Deputy Publicity Secretary; Deputy National Organising Secretary, ANC. 1973 Secretary-General, ANC. 1976 Acting National Organising Secretary, ANC (Nkomo). John Chirisa was born on 2 January 1929 in Chikanya’s village, near Kwenda Mission, in the Charter District. His parents were poor and his father (who was one of the […]
1971 Deputy National Secretary, ANC. 1973 National Organising Secretary, ANC. 1976 Representative of ANC (Nkomo) in London. Arthur Chadzingwa was born in the railway compound, Umtali (Mutare), on 5 August 1944. His father was a messenger with Rhodesia Railways and his mother, Harriet, had worked before her marriage at St Augustine’s, looking after orphans. Chadzingwa obtained his primary education […]
1963 National Councillor, PCC. 1973 National Organising Secretary, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Member Central Committee, ANC (Nkomo). 1975 (Sept.) National Organisation Secretary (2), ANC (Nkomo). Killion Bhebe was born at Hogo in the Gwelo (Gweru) District on 1 May 1928. The second child in a family of seven, he was brought up to be a farmer like his father. He attended numerous primary […]
1960-61 Secretary General, NDP. 1963 External Representative, PCC (Lusaka). 1975 (June) Nominated Member of ZLC. 1976 Secretary for Information (External), ANC (Nkomo). 1976 Delegate (ZAPU) to Geneva 1979 Delegate to Lancaster House (ZAPU) 1980 PF M.P. for Matebeleland South 1980 Minister of Posts and Telecommunications, Zimbabwe Government. George Silundika was born near Plumtree in March 1929. His father, who was […]
1960-61 District Chairman, Fort Victoria (Masvingo), NDP. 1961 -62 Provincial Chairman, Fort Victoria (Masvingo), ZAPU. 1963 National Chairman, PCC. 1972 National Chairman, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) National Chairman, ANC (Nkomo). Samuel Munodawafa was born at Morgenster Mission near Fort Victoria (Masvingo) on 14 March 1917. He was the eldest child of a teacher-evangelist who served with […]
1962 Chairwoman of Barbourfields Women’s Branch, ZAPU. 1963 District Chairwoman of Women’s League, PCC. 1974 (Dec.) Deputy Secretary for Women’s Affairs, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Member of Central Committee, ANC (Nkomo). 1976 (Sept.) Deputy Secretary for Education ANC (Nkomo). Tenjiwe Virginia Lesabe was born a Khumalo1 at Makokoba Clinic, Bulawayo, on 5 January 1932. Shewas the […]
1973-75 Deputy Secretary—General, ANC . 1975 (May) External Representative, ANC (Lusaka). 1975 (Sept.) External Representative, ANC (Nkomo) (Lusaka). John Nkomo (no relation of Joshua Nkomo) was born on 22 August 1934 at Tjlotjo in the Nyamandhlovu area of Matabeleland. His father, who was a Seventh Day Adventist, had worked for some years at St John’s […]
1975 Secretary-General (Vice), ANC (Nkomo). Ariston Chambati was born on 15 November 1935 in the African township at Sinoia (Chinhoyi). His parents gave him the name Ariston in tribute to a Greek shopkeeper who was a friend of the family and who died on the day the child was born. He was the third child […]
1957 Vice-Chairman, Highfield Branch, ANYL. 1960 Vice-Chairman, Salisbury (Harare) District, NDP. 1961 Organising Secretary, Mashonaland Province, ZAPU. 1963 Deputy Chairman for Presidential Affairs and Secretary for Welfare, PCC. 1975 (Sept.) Treasurer-General (Vice), ANC (Nkomo). William Mukarati was born on 28 January 1925 at Marimba on the western outskirts of Salisbury (Harare). His father was a […]
1957-59 Chairman,Highfield Branch, ANCongress. 1975 (Sept.) Deputy Secretary for External Affairs, ANC (Nkomo). Daniel Madzimbamuto was born on 8 October 1930 at Mrewa. He was the eight child of a family of 10, his father was a farmer in the TTL. He received his primary education at the local village school in Mrewa and […]
1971-75 Officer in Charge of Education, Mashonaland South Province, ANC. Welfare Secretary, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Treasurer, ANC (Nkomo). Amon Fungai Jirira was born in Gatooma on 4 October 1921. His mother was Esther Chizuva Munzara, a devoted churchwoman keenly interested in the education of children. His father, a Ward ‘Sergeant Major’, Lazarus Munemo Jirira, could read and write five […]
1963 Secretary for Labour, ZANU. 1974 Secretary of the National Transport, Telecommunications and Power Committee, ANC. 1974 Member, Executive Committee, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Member National Executive Committee, ANC (Nkomo). Mlobiseni Bango was born on 20 October 1926 “about 20 miles (32 km) south—east of Marula, near the Tshatshani river in the Matopo mountain range”. […]
1975 (Sept.) Member National Executive Committee, ANC (Nkomo). 1976 Deputy National Organising Secretary, ANC (Nkomo). Clement Moyo was born at Shabani on 10 January 1934. He was one of the ten sons and seven daughters of a polygamist father who was, it is believed, 114 years old when he died in 1972. The father came […]
1957 National Treasurer, African National Congress. 1962 Secretary for Youth Affairs, ZAPU. 1963 Secretary for External Affairs, PCC. 1974 (Dec.) Member Central Committee, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Secretary-General, (Nkomo) ANC. 1976 Delegate to Geneva 1976/80 Secretary General ZAPU PF. 1980 Member of Senate. Minister of Natural resources and Water Development. Joseph Wilfred Msika was born on 6 December 1923 in the Chiweshe […]
1960 Provincial Secretaryfor Manicaland, NDP. 1963 External Representative, PCC. 1972 Secretary for Labour, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Publicity Secretary (2), ANC (Nkomo). Mark Nziramasanga was born on 11 April 1931 at Chikaka Kraal, Zvimba Reserve, Sinoia (Chinhoyi) District. His father was a peasant farmer and a herbalist. Nziramasanga completed his primary education at Pakama Mission School in 1950 and […]
1957 Chairman, Bulawayo Branch, ANC. 1962 National Treasurer, ZAPU. 1963 Financial Secretary, PCC. 1963 External – Representative, PCC. 1974 Lusaka, Member of External Committee, ANC. 1976 (April) Vice—President i/c External Affairs, ANC (Nkomo). Jason Moyo was born about 1927 near Plumtree, on the order with Botswana. He was a member of the Kalanga tribe1 After […]
1961 Chairman, Mufakose Branch, NDP. 1962 Secretary, Mufakose Branch, ZAPU. 1963 Salisbury (Harare) District Chairman, PCC 1972 Secretary for Youth Affairs, ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Secretary for Youth, ANC (Nkomo). 1975 (Sept.) Member of Central Committee, ANC {Nkomo). 1976 (Jan.) Secretary for Presidential Affairs, ANC (Nkomo). Sylvester Bgoni was born on 8 August 1934 in […]
LAZARUS NKALA (1927-1975)
1957-59 Treasurer, Bulawayo Branch, ANC. 1960-61 Treasurer, Bulawayo Branch, NDP. 1961-63 Bulawayo District Chairman, ZAPU. 1963-64 National Organising Secretary, PCC. 1974 (Dec.) Member of the Central Committee of ANC. 1975 (Sept.) Organising Secretary, ANC (Nkomo). Lazarus Nkala was born on 26 February 1927 in the Filabusi District of Rhodesia. His father was a school teacher and lay preacher with the American Brethren […]
1961-64 National Organising Secretary, ZAPU and PCC. 1963-71 Director of Youth and Culture, PCC. 1975 (Sept.) Secretary for External Affairs, ANC (Nkomo). 1976 Delegate to Geneva Conference 1980 PF M.P. for Midlands 1980 Minister of Public Works, Zimbabwe Government Clement Muchachi was born at Selukwe (Shurugwi) on 19 August 1925. He was the eighth child in a family of nine […]
1952-59 ANCongress. 1960-61 President, NDP. 1961-62 President, ZAPU. 1975 (Sept.) President, African National Council (Nkomo). 1976 President, ZAPU (PF) 1980 M.P. Midlands – PF 1980 Minister of Home Affairs, Zimbabwe Joshua Mqabuko Nyongolo Nkomo was born in June 1917, in the Semokwe Reserve, Matabeleland. He was the third child, a sister having been born […]