Category Archives: ZIPA


ZIPA Aged about 37. Formerly a lecturer in bio-physics at the University of Rhodesia, he comes from the Fort Victoria (Masvingo) area. A supporter of Robert Mugabe. He was charged with receiving weapons of war, but absconded while on bail in 1976. He is at present in Mocambique as a member of the ZANU section […]


ZANU ZIPA A member of the ZANU section of ZIPA, he is aged about 30. He acted as a spokesman for ZIPA on a British Broadcasting Corporation programme on 3 October 1976. It was reported in the National Observer on 26 March 1977 that he had been arrested in Mocambique for telling guerrillas that their duty was […]


ZANU ZIPA Aged about 30, he comes from the north-east part of Rhodesia. Originally a ZAPU supporter, he joined ZANU in 1971. During the detention of Tongogara (1975-76) he acted as commander-in-chief of ZANU forces. At one time he was reported missing (together with Badza, another leading commander). Subsequently, however, he reappeared and reported that […]


ZAPU ZIPA (1976) Born in the Belingwe district, he is aged about 30. A member of ZAPU, he is one of the leading military commanders. Interviewed in Geneva on 1 November 1976 he maintained that ZAPU and ZANU were operating separately under their own commands (The Rhodesia Herald, 2 November 1976).


Zimbabwe People’s Army ZIPA was set up on 29 May 1976 in reaction to the attempt by the OAU Liberation Committee to create a ‘third force’ within the guerrilla movement.