AAC  All-African Convention
ANCongress   African National Congress
ANC   African National Council
ANYL   African National Youth League
APA   African Purchase Area
ATUC   African Trades Union Congress
BANVA   British African National Voice Association
BSAP   British South Africa Police
CAP   Central Africa Party
CAWU  Commercial and Allied Workers’Union
CP  Centre Party
ECA   Economic Commission for Africa
FROLIZI   Front for the Liberation of Zimbabwe
ICFTU   International Confederation of Free Trades Unions
ICU   Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union
MRA   Moral Re-Armament
NDP   National Democratic Party
NJC   National junior Certificate
NPU   National People’s Union
OAU  Organisation for African Unity
PASU   Pan—African Socialist Union
PATU Police Anti-Terrorist Unit
PCC   People’s Caretaker Council
RAR   Rhodesian African Rifles
RAWU   Railway African Workers’ Union
RF   The Rhodesian Front
RICU   Reformed Industrial and Commercial Workers’ Union
RNFL   Rhodesia National Football League
RNP   Rhodesia National Party
SR   Southern Rhodesia
SRAFA   Southern Rhodesia Amateur Football Association
SRTUC   Southern Rhodesian Trades Union Congress
TTL   Tribal Trust Land
UANC   United African National Council (Muzorewa)
UCRN, UCR, UR   University (College) of Rhodesia (and Nyasaland)
UDI   Unilateral Declaration of Independence
UFP   United Federal Party
UJC   University junior Certificate (Cape)
URP   United Rhodesia Party
UNCTAD   United Nations Conference on Trade and Development
ZANLA  Zimbabwe African National Liberation Army
ZANU1    Zimbabwe African National Union
ZAPU   Zimbabwe African People’s Union
ZALO   Zimbabwe African Labour Organisation
ZIPA   Zimbabwe People’s Army
ZIPRA   Zimbabwe People’s Revolutionary Army
ZLC   Zimbabwe Liberation Council
ZNP   Zimbabwe National Party
ZUPO   Zimbabwe United People’s Organisation


The Patriotic Front or PF was forged in October 1976.  Robert Mugabe had been elected to the leadership of the external wing of ZANU and when he returned to lead his Party at the election campaign of 1980, he named his Party ZANU PF


Joshua Nkomo, having fought in an alliance with Mugabe’s Party before Lancaster House and the peace settlement, ceased to call his Party ZAPU during the elections of 1980 and fought under the name of PF.

1 ZANU was originally founded in 1963. A dispute over the leadership arose between the Rev. N. Sithole and the external wing of the Party. Sithole continued to call his re-formed Party ZANU.